Broken Allegiance picked…...

Jul 7, 2014 by

Best Kindle Book Award Semi-Finalist - 2014This has been a whooper of a year for book awards. Okay, I admit that this is the first year I had enough guts to submit my novels for book award consideration. Just found out this week my novel, Broken Allegiance (A Tom Kagan Novel) has been selected by The Kindle Book Review as a semifinalist for the 2014 Best Kindle Book Awards in the Mystery/Suspense category. For more information, please click HERE.

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Broken Allegiance Wins!

May 20, 2014 by

Just learned that my novel, Broken Allegiance (A Gerrit O’Rourke Novel) has been selected as the winner in the Mystery category by The 2014 National Indie Excellence Book Awards panel. I want to express my appreciation to the panel for all their hard work. I am honored that they thought this novel worthy of attention.

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Killer $.99 Promo April 6-13

Mar 25, 2014 by


My first  Gerrit O‘Rourke thriller Off the Grid will be offered at a discount price of $.99 beginning April 6, 2014. If you don’t have it, set your calendar as a reminder when this sale begins–it will only last for seven days. If you’ve already enjoyed this novel, tell a family member or a good friend. Other discounts will be forthcoming over the next several months. Don’t miss out


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May 4, 2013 by

Suspense Sisters (1)

Suspense Sisters: Interview with Mark Young

“I grit my teeth reading scenes where a man wants to talk about his feelings. Give me a break! Show me, don’t tell me. Here is a more realistic encounter:  Grimacing, he said, “Everything’s fine.” She watched him clenching his fingers into a tight ball, shattering a shot glass brimming with sarsaparilla . Okay, maybe a little over the top, but let me translate: “Yeah, I’m hurt. Leave me the heck alone. And ‘no’  I don’t want to talk about it.”  You get the message without the guy sucking out all the air in the room telling you how he feels.”

Click here to read the full interview!

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Helping Indie Authors

Apr 19, 2013 by

By Mark Young
[Free eBook giveaway contest. See details at the end of this article.]
1213571_gorilla_marketingIndie authors must fight every day to gain discoverablity in today’s challenging market. They must compete with well-financed traditional publishers who have a strangle hold on how and where books are placed, including advertising and marketing. Traditional publishers enjoy a near-monopoly of their products in franchised and independent book stores because of the deals they can make regarding return of product, discounted prices, and the fear books store owners harbor over Amazon’s expanding influence over the market place.

So how do indie authors/publisher compete against such odds? (Click here to read more)

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Zimbio Book Reviews: Guest Pos...

Mar 15, 2013 by

“By now, readers, you may have picked up on the fact that I actually converse with my characters—and they talk back. For example, here is my conversation with Travis Mays as I try to warn him about his future:

Mark: ‘Life doesn’t always work out the way you want, Travis. After all, I am a novelist. It is my job to complicate your world and provide a novel that grabs a reader and never lets them go until the end. So buck up, my man. Your world’s about to get turned upside down.’

Travis: ‘You’re ruthless, Mark. I just wanted to live up here in the mountains and to be left alone.’

Mark: ‘Sorry, pal. Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can. Your past is going to catch up like a Mac truck at full throttle.'”

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